How to Check My Gig Ranking on Fiverr? | Fiverr Gig Rank Checker

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A gig is a service you provide on Fiverr, and its ranking determines how visible it is to potential clients. This blog post will focus on how to check your gig ranking on Fiverr and what you can do to enhance it.

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How to Check Your Gig Ranking on Fiverr?

Here are the steps to check your gig ranking on Fiverr.

  • Step 1: Sign in to your Fiverr account and click on the Selling tab.�
  • Step 2: Under the Selling tab, select the Gigs option.�
  • Step 3: You will find the Analytics button on the Gigs page. Click on it.�
  • Step 4: On the Analytics page, you will see a section for impressions, clicks, and views.�
  • Step 5: Scroll down to the end of the page, and you will see a table showing your Fiverr gig ranking for each category.�
  • Step 6: You can check your gig ranking on Fiverr based on the following parameters: Best Selling, Recommended, High Rating, and New Arrivals.
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Tips to Improve Your Gig Ranking on Fiverr

Improving your gig ranking on Fiverr can be daunting, especially if you are starting. Here are some tips:

Use Relevant Keywords

Fiverr’s search algorithm depends heavily on keywords, so use relevant keywords in the gig title, description, and tags. This will help potential clients find your gig more easily.

Optimize Your Gig Images

The images you use in your gig can also affect your Fiverr gig rank. Use high-quality images that showcase your skills and services effectively.

Offer Competitive Prices

Fiverr is a highly competitive platform, as well as pricing can play a significant role in your Fiverr gig ranking. Research what other sellers in your niche are charging and try to offer competitive prices.

Provide Excellent Customer Service

Good reviews and ratings can help improve your gig ranking on Fiverr. Ensure to provide excellent customer service and respond to client inquiries promptly.

Promote Your Gig

Fiverr has a built-in promotion tool that you can use to promote your gigs. You can also promote your gigs on social media platforms and other websites to increase your Fiverr gig ranking.

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Factors Affecting Your Gig Ranking on Fiverr

Now that you know how to check your gig ranking on Fiverr, let’s look at some factors that affect it.

Gig Title and Description�

Your gig title and description significantly affect your Fiverr gig ranking. Ensure your title and description are relevant and concise and include keywords that clients are searching for. Your gig’s title and description should also be unique and stand out from others in the same category.


Tags are keywords that describe your gig and help clients find it. Use relevant tags that accurately describe your gig, as well as avoid using irrelevant or misleading tags. Using broad tags can also hurt your gig’s ranking, so be specific and use only relevant tags.

Gig Images and Videos�

Gig images and videos are the first things clients see when they come across your gig. Use high-quality images and videos that showcase your skills and expertise. Your images and videos should be relevant to your gig and help clients understand what you offer.

Delivery Time and Pricing�

Clients on Fiverr often look for freelancers who can deliver quality work quickly and at a reasonable price. Ensure your delivery time and pricing are competitive and reflect the value of your work. If you can provide quality work quickly, you will have a higher chance of getting hired and improving your ranking on Fiverr.

Reviews and Ratings�

Reviews and ratings are an essential part of Fiverr’s ranking system. Positive reviews and high ratings indicate that you are a reliable and skilled freelancer, which can improve your Fiverr gig rank. Encourage your clients to leave reviews and ratings after completing an order to ensure you deliver quality work that meets their expectations.

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Analytics for Gig Improvement

On Fiverr, maximizing your gig’s success can be achieved by utilizing the platform’s effective analytical tools. These tools provide you with beneficial data on your gig’s impact, interaction, and efficiency, enabling you to intelligently enhance your Fiverr gig ranking. Utilize Fiverr’s analytics in the following ways to improve your performance:

  • Clicks, Views, and Impressions: Fiverr analytics comprehensively report how frequently your gig receives clicks, views, and impressions. The latter specifically showcases your gig’s appearance in search results, while clicks signify the number of times your gig was clicked and views testify to the number of users that have scrutinized your gig’s details. It is important to analyze these statistics since they reveal the striking aspects of your gig and its prospects of gaining user interest.
  • Trends: Your gig’s performance trends can be detected by checking its analytics on a regular basis. It’s possible to notice that your gig gets more impressions in response to specific keywords or certain times of the year. Knowing these trends may help your marketing campaigns and allow you to enhance your Fiverr gig ranking during peak periods.
  • Keyword Optimization: Your keyword strategy can greatly benefit from analyzing the search terms that bring users to your gig. To optimize your approach, consider enhancing your gig’s title, description, and tags with keywords that have a track record of driving traffic.


Checking your gig ranking on Fiverr is crucial to your success as a seller. Following the tips outlined in this article can improve your ranking on Fiverr and increase your chances of success on the platform. Remember to optimize your gig’s keywords, images, and pricing, provide excellent customer service, as well as promote your gigs on and off the platform to maximize your chances of success

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